eagle meaning in marathi

Word: eagle
Meaning of eagle in english - aviator, pilot

Meanings in marathi :

garutma ( गरुत्मा )
garud ( गरुड )
Synonyms of eagle
navigator flier jockey ace hotshot aeronaut barnstormer airperson bird legs captain leader scout dean conductor bellwether director flyer guide aerialist coxswain steerer doyen/doyenne helmsperson one at the controls one at the wheel steersperson
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
ear of wheatear with a lobe like a conchearlierearly cropeagleearly eveningearly morning but ko prabalaearly morning but r on timeearly morningearmarkedearning moneyearring in the shape of śivas bull nandīearring worn by menearth or mud stuck to the blade of a ploughearthen griddleearearthen pot for churning curdsearthen pot for storing water or grainearthly musicearningseartheasily accessibleeasily approachable or availableeasily digestibleeasily obtainableearthen poteasily removableeasilyeasterneasy mode of meditation