eight kinds of objects of pleasure meaning in marathi

Word: eight kinds of objects of pleasure

Meanings in marathi :

ashtabhog ( अष्टभोग )
सुगंध, वनिता, वस्त्र, गीत, तांबूल, भोजन, शय्या आणि भुवन या आठ उपभोग्य वस्तू
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
eggegoegoismeighty-oneelaborate explanationefforteightelder brotherelder brothers wifeelderly womaneldereldestelephant driverelephant keeper and driverelephantelephants templeseloquentelsewhereemaciation due to the pangs of separation from a loved oneemanation of realityembankmentembarrassedemaciatedembarrassing situationembeddedembodiedembracing different objectsemendator of a textemerald greenembrace