erotic meaning in marathi

Word: erotic
Meaning of erotic in english - sexy

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
savikaar ( सविकार )
विकार उत्पन्न करणारे
Synonyms of erotic
amorous romantic sexual obscene suggestive steamy carnal bawdy seductive lewd sensual blue purple aphrodisiac rousing raw amative amatory concupiscent earthy fervid filthy fleshly hot impassioned kinky lascivious lecherous off-color prurient raunchy salacious spicy stimulating voluptuous erogenous titillating
Antonyms of erotic
moral chaste clean decent pure bland cold dull frigid
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
escaped fromespecially lustrousestablishingequivalenceequivalenterectingeternal companyeternally liberatederoticerranterroneousethical practiceethics of companionshiperuditionescortespeciallyeulogistic poemevaluationeven in funeven smaller than an atomessence extracted from a plantessenceestablishedessentialestateevening mealeveningestimateet ceteraeternally