fallible meaning in marathi

Word: fallible
Meaning of fallible in english - able or prone to err

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
chyutimant ( च्युतिमंत )
Synonyms of fallible
faulty imperfect untrustworthy frail careless deceptive errant erring heedless human ignorant liable mortal questionable uncertain unreliable weak errable
Antonyms of fallible
infallible reliable unerring perfect strong certain correct definite
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
fairfaithfulfallenfalse hopefalse pathfalse pridefalse showfallfalse understanding or chargefalliblefalsefalsehoodfaltering speechfalsityfalteringfame as the leader of an armyfamefamiliarityfamily deityfamily homefamily membersfamily name or the name of an officefamily namefamily priestfanningfarsightedfartingfast and loud beating of a drumfamilyfamine