famous meaning in marathi

Word: famous
Meaning of famous in english - legendary, notable to many

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
vikhaat ( विखात )
Synonyms of famous
honored preeminent remarkable outstanding powerful well-known acclaimed renowned leading illustrious grand important excellent memorable prominent great splendid influential recognized noted brilliant notorious distinguished glorious august celebrated conspicuous elevated exalted extraordinary foremost imposing mighty noble noteworthy peerless reputable signal applauded in limelight in spotlight lionized much-publicized of note
Antonyms of famous
unimportant unknown typical unremarkable usual inconspicuous ineffective infamous contemptible insignificant powerless stupid inferior low normal ordinary bad poor regular weak obscure common unimpressive little small unnoteworthy
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
fast and loud beating of a drumfamilyfaminefamousfanfancifulfast regulated by the waxing and waning of the moonfastfangfar awayfasting and breaking the fast on alternate daysfasting on that dayfatal snake bitefantasticfarfather as addressed by his childfarmerfarmingfascinatedfather-in-lawfatiguefault-findingfaultinessfavourable to the mahānubhāva sectfascinationfastingfatefatherfavourable windfat