female human being meaning in marathi

Word: female human being

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
maanavini ( मानवीनी )
मानवयोनीतील स्त्री
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Related English Marathi Meaning
female indian cranefemale jackalfemale monkeyfemale ownerfemale painterfemale pigeon or dovefemale pigeonfemale ratfemale scorpionfemale servantfemale sheepfemale singerfemale sinnerfemale snakefemale spiderfemale tailorfemale temple priestfemale temple servantfemale tortoisefemale vocalistfemale water buffalo derogatoryfemale water buffalofemale yogi in the siddha traditionfence of thorny branchesfencing consisting of a row of fragrant plantsfennel seedsferociousfertile landfestering sore on the skinfestival in honour of bullocks