five-storeyed structure meaning in marathi

Word: five-storeyed structure

Meanings in marathi :

paanchakhani ( पांचखणी )
पाच मजली बांधकाम
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
fivefivefoldfixed incomefixed or proper timefixed permanent incomefixed precept or rulefixedflag bearing the svastika emblemflag fixed to a spearflag made out of the end of a sarifixednessflabbyflag on a poleflag with a tiger emblemflag-bearing elephantflagpoleflail rflapping of the ears of an elephantflapping of wingsflash of bright lightflash of lightningflagflameflashinglyflat bread filled with sweet gram pasteflapflappingflat bread made of millet flourflat bread made of wheat flourflat bread make of millet flour