flash meaning in marathi

Word: flash
Meaning of flash in english - shimmer, flicker, instant, split second, demonstration, move fast and display

Meanings in marathi :

phuti ( फुटी )
jhalak ( झळक )
Synonyms of flash
glare reflection beam burst flare radiation gleam sparkle flame blaze glimmer glint ray glitter vision glow streak shine dazzle quiver glisten stream twinkle imprint twinkling coruscation impulse illumination glance scintillation luster incandescence phosphorescence bedazzlement moment outburst breathing show jiffy shake minute trice splash manifestation swank sign blink coruscate light scintillate spangle radiate shoot out fly flit zoom dart dash whistle flaunt brandish exhibit disport parade spring expose sweep race bolt flourish speed show off
Antonyms of flash
dullness darkness concealment hiding pause slow walk hide
Identical words :
flashingly - bhagakari ( भगकरि )
flash of lightning - vijurekha ( विजुरेखा )
flash of bright light - vijauti ( वीजौटी )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
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