flaw meaning in marathi

Word: flaw
Meaning of flaw in english - imperfection

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
dosh ( दोष )
chori ( चोरी )
univ ( उणीव )
Synonyms of flaw
blemish weakness failing defect foible glitch fault bug pitfall gremlin speck vice wart spot catch stain disfigurement Catch-22 slipup weak spot
Antonyms of flaw
strong point advantage perfection strength blessing
Identical words :
As adjective :
flawless - purat ( पुरत )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
flawlessfleeingfleshfleshyflightflintfloatflock or herd of cattle etcflock or herd of cattleflockflood water in a riverfloodfloodedfloral decoration of a deityfloral decoration offered in worshipfloral wristletflorists shopflourfloutingflowflower and some sandalwood pasteflower arrangementflower blooming in the skyflower marketflower of the paḷasa treeflower wristletflowerflowers of a palāśa treeflowers removed from an image after having been used in its worshipflowers that have been used in worship