forceful meaning in marathi

Word: forceful
Meaning of forceful in english - effective, powerful

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
sathaauuthaav ( सथाउ--थाव )
आवेश- युक्त
Synonyms of forceful
vigorous energetic convincing vehement persuasive dynamic cogent violent compelling commanding forcible strong dominant electric elemental gutsy mighty pithy potent punch punchy steamroller stringent telling titanic virile weighty puissant ball of fire bullish coming on strong constraining powerhouse take-charge
Antonyms of forceful
idle impotent inactive lethargic apathetic ineffective passive feeble meek weak mild moderate
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
forcefullyforearmforehead mark and a garland of flowersforehead mark and sacred threadforeign people or landforest fireforciblyfordforecastforest landforest of thorn bushesforeignforest that has a hundred thousand that is innumerable treesforestforgedforgetful of oneselfforeverforgettingfork in a roadforkforlornform of donation in which people are invited to loot grainform of honour or an apotropaic riteform of honourform of poetical compositionform of worship or homageform of śiva or rudraformalitiesformationformed in ancient times