girls game in which two players hold hands and spin rapidly in a circle meaning in marathi

Word: girls game in which two players hold hands and spin rapidly in a circle

Meanings in marathi :

phugadi ( फुगडी )
मुलींचा एक खेळ
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
girlgiven to sensual pleasuresgiver of knowledgegiving a boongiving a gift of gold coins weighing the same as the donorgiving a speechgiftgiving birth to a childgiving little milk a cowgiving milk an animalgiving profuse milkgiven to sensual pleasuregivengivergiving restgiving someone a bathgiving up somethingglass casegleamingglittering metallic papergiving upgivingglamourglorificationglorious colouringglanceglassglitterglowwormgluttonously