giving a gift of gold coins weighing the same as the donor meaning in marathi

Word: giving a gift of gold coins weighing the same as the donor

Meanings in marathi :

tulaapurakh ( तुळापुरख )
पुरुषाच्या भारंभार केलेले सोन्यानाण्यांचे दान
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
giving milk an animalgiving profuse milkgiven to sensual pleasuregivengivergiving restgiving someone a bathgiving up somethingglass casegleamingglittering metallic papergiving upgivingglamourglorificationglorious colouringglanceglassglitterglowwormgluttonouslyglitteringgloomygo 14 etcgo 280go 90goatgloominessgod in the form of peoplegod of cascading water