glance meaning in marathi

Word: glance
Meaning of glance in english - brief look, reflection of light, look at briefly, reflect light, ricochet, hit off of something

Meanings in marathi :

dithi ( दिठी )
drishti ( दृष्टी )
Synonyms of glance
peek glimpse swivel flash eye slant gander lamp sight peep squint view eyeball fleeting look look-see quick look glimmer glisten twinkle glint shimmer sparkle gleam coruscation peer scan browse gaze check out dip into run through take in flip through get a load of leaf through riffle through run over skim through take a gander thumb through shine coruscate glitter skip bounce dart kiss carom shave rebound slide scrape touch graze contact careen brush strike
Antonyms of glance
stare dullness
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
givingglamourglorificationglorious colouringglanceglassglitterglowwormgluttonouslyglitteringgloomygo 14 etcgo 280go 90goatgloominessgod in the form of peoplegod of cascading waterglorygnatgoagoblingoddess in saurāṣṭragoddess in the vindhya mountainsgods cookgods divine playgodgods lovegods propertygoing astray