gloominess meaning in marathi

Word: gloominess
Meaning of gloominess in english - blues, depression, desolation, dumps, gloom, melancholy, pessimism, sadness, shade, sulkiness, sullenness, unhappiness, despondence, downheartedness, drabness

Meanings in marathi :

vosi ( वोसी )
Synonyms of gloominess
doldrums mournfulness dejection glumness despondency heavy heart moodiness low spirits the dismals the mopes distress dreariness dole mortification trouble worry desperation dolefulness bummer dullness sorrow hopelessness qualm discouragement abasement dolor misery ennui blue funk blahs bleakness vapors cheerlessness woefulness melancholia lowness dispiritedness heavyheartedness abjection abjectness disconsolation heaviness of heart lugubriosity the blues despair anguish loneliness mourning wretchedness sulks shadow cloud duskiness murk obscurity murkiness dimness cloudiness twilight grief boredom tedium downer letdown blue devils wistfulness pensiveness miserableness dolefuls down trip distrust cynicism dyspepsia dark side dim view expectation of worst gloomy outlook heartache poignancy heartbreak tribulation listlessness dysphoria disconsolateness sorrowfulness forlornness broken heart downcastness grieving the dumps darkness screen cover shadiness umbrage blackness coolness shadows penumbra semidarkness adumbration obscuration anger grouchiness acrimony moroseness joylessness desperateness disheartenment low-spiritedness insipidness jejuneness blandness flatness stodginess flavorlessness vapidness lifelessness vapidity dryness insipidity dowdiness colorlessness dinginess
Antonyms of gloominess
gladness happiness joy euphoria gaiety cheer advantage contentment encouragement cheerfulness hope surge bulge protuberance comfort pleasure benefit peace blessing liveliness contentedness hopefulness recovery convexity joyfulness civilization animation sparkle vivaciousness brightness light sunniness excitement boon confidence joyousness optimism faith trust delight gap lightness bliss
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