glorification meaning in marathi

Word: glorification
Meaning of glorification in english - act of glorifying

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
girima ( गिरिमा )
Synonyms of glorification
exaltation translation apotheosis
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
glitteringgloomygo 14 etcgo 280go 90goatgloominessgod in the form of peoplegod of cascading waterglorygnatgoagoblingoddess in saurāṣṭragoddess in the vindhya mountainsgods cookgods divine playgodgods lovegods propertygoing astraygoing forthgoing in and outgoing up and down to and frogoddessgoing up and downgoing without foodgold chipgold coin having four layersgold coin of a specific value