griddle meaning in marathi

Word: griddle
Meaning of griddle in english - grill

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
raandhan ( रांधण )
Synonyms of griddle
skillet spider broiler
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
griefgrievedgrinding and pounding graingrocers shopgrinding and poundinggrindinggristgroangroom for a horseground flourgroup of cowherd women or milkmaidsgroup of deities or of lightsgroomgroundgroup of devoteesgroup of eight villagesgroup of female asceticsgroup of fifteengroup of fivegroup of peoplegroup of pilgrimsgroup of thirty-three deities 11 rudras 12 ādityas 8 vasus prajāpati and somagroup of threegrove of palm treesgrove that has a hundred thousand that is innumerable treesgrovegrowing on the slope of a hillgrown-upgruel made of millet flour and buttermilkgruel served to ghosts