group meaning in marathi

Word: group
Meaning of group in english - number of individuals collectively, bring together, classify, sort

Meanings in marathi :

samel ( समेळ )
Synonyms of group
body crowd faction club company band gang party society organization association troop bevy gathering set chain grade syndicate clot cluster cartel bunch category trust combination platoon posse crew battery combine suite circle passel assembly parcel coterie mess aggregation collection conglomerate congregation formation bundle clique assortment pool league covey clutch batch clump accumulation assemblage pack shooting match meet arrange organize systematize huddle harmonize poke associate congregate consort punch corral bracket link assemble get together round up band together bunch up gang around gang up hang out make the scene scare up categorize marshal dispose pigeonhole order rank file
Antonyms of group
individual whole one disarrange disorder disorganize disperse scatter disconnect jumble mix up divide separate disagree
Identical words :
group of eight villages - aathagaav ( आठगाव )
group of cowherd women or milkmaids - gopijan ( गोपिजण )
group of deities or of lights - jyotichakr ( ज्योतिचक्र )
group of pilgrims - poha ( पोहा )
group of three - trik ( त्रिक )
group of thirty-three deities 11 rudras 12 ādityas 8 vasus prajāpati and soma - tetis devataagan ( तेतीस देवतागण )
group of devotees - bhaktimaali ( भक्तिमाली )
group of fifteen - pavharaki ( पव्हरकी )
group of five - paanchavatata ( पांचवट--टा )
group of people - man ( मं )
group of female ascetics - yoginichakr ( योगिनीचक्र )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
grove that has a hundred thousand that is innumerable treesgrovegrowing on the slope of a hillgrown-upgruel made of millet flour and buttermilkgruel served to ghostsgroupgrowthgrumblergrumblingguarantor of safetyguard armed with a staffguardian deities of the four cardinal and four intermediate directionsguardian of dharmaguards roundguardguardianguards roundsguestguide with sightguidegurgling noisegurgling stream of waterguru in the śākta cultguilegulpgumgushing outgushing upgushing water