half a watch meaning in marathi

Word: half a watch

Meanings in marathi :

aadapaahaar ( आदपाहार )
अर्धा प्रहर
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
half an āsu gold coinhalf deadhalf of a sectarian markhalf of ones own seathalf one and half anotherhalf-burnedhalf-curdledhalf-formedhalf-usedhalting place in a journeyhamlet off the main roadhamlethammerhammeredhammeringhand fanhand making the gesture of reassurancehand-to-hand fighthanging from the shoulderhammockhandhanging lamphanging loosehanging ringhankering or longing of a pregnant womanhandicappedhandsomehandsomenesshanginghanuman the monkey god