happily meaning in marathi

Word: happily
Meaning of happily in english - with joy, pleasure, successfully

Meanings in marathi :

As adverb :
sukhen ( सुखें )
Synonyms of happily
willingly freely peacefully lovingly merrily heartily gladly cheerfully agreeably brightly gaily lightly optimistically sincerely blithely gleefully joyfully graciously playfully enthusiastically contentedly joyously blissfully buoyantly delightedly delightfully devotedly elatedly exhilaratingly exultantly hilariously jovially laughingly lightheartedly smilingly sportively vivaciously with relish with zeal zestfully gracefully appropriately favorably fortunately swimmingly well aptly auspiciously felicitously propitiously prosperously providentially satisfyingly
Antonyms of happily
unhappily unluckily
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
happiness and religious merithappy dawnharassing the worldhappinessharassment literally staying in ones in-laws househarassmenthard black stonehard blowhard cover of a palanquinhappyhard edge of a piece of flat breadhard grainhard kernel of grainhard slaphard-heartedhardhardnesshard rockhard rocky landhard workhardheartedhardworkinghareharemharmful actharmful dietharmful to drinkharlotharmfulharmfulness