hen meaning in marathi

Word: hen
Meaning of hen in english - chicken, poultry, fowl

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
kukadi ( कुकडी )
Synonyms of hen
biddy cock cockerel pullet capon rooster banty barnyard fowl cock-a-doodle-do cockalorum gump heeler duck turkey grouse quail geese pigeon pheasant goose partridge game
Identical words :
hence abstaining from sensual passion - akhori ( अखोरी )
hence the divine path - urdhapath ( उर्धपथ )
hence kuṇḍalinī - kaaki ( काकी )
hence cows - kaashal ( काषल )
hence innumerable - kodi ( कोडी )
hence to be exhausted - ghaamaine ( घामैणे )
hence brave - chhatis dandaancha ( छतीस दंडांचा )
hence many - chhapan ( छपन )
hence a bit - til ( तीळ )
hence a servile person - daarasuuna ( दारसूणा )
hence a trifle - dudhapiru ( दुधपिरु )
hence talking - nishvaas ( निश्वास )
hence a support - baahuva ( बाहुवा )
hence a dullard - mhaisa ( म्हैसा )
hence an insignificant task - raalemavani ( राळेमवणी )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
hence a dullardhence a servile personhence a supporthence a triflehence abstaining from sensual passionhence an insignificant taskhence bravehence cowshence innumerablehence kuṇḍalinīhence manyhence talkinghence the divine pathhenhence to be exhaustedherbal medicineherd of cattleherd of elephantshence fateherdhere a froghere a sacrificial pithere the name of a cowherd boyhere the name of a nutcrackerhereditary estatehereditary office and land grantheretherehere and therehereditaryheretical view