higher and lower castes meaning in marathi

Word: higher and lower castes

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
varnaavarn ( वर्णावर्ण )
सवर्ण आणि अवर्ण (जाति)
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
highflownhighway robber from gujarat or okhahighway robberhighway robberyhill forthill of ricehillockhills and daleshimselfhis deputyhissinghither and thitherhillhilltophittingholder of a hereditary land grantholding ones breath in ones headhiphoehole in the groundhole made in a roof to allow light to enterhollow in the trunk of a treehollow like the sheath of a plantain treehollow portionholeholidayhollow tubeholy ashesholy bath during the month of māgha january-februaryholy man