holiness meaning in marathi

Word: holiness
Meaning of holiness in english - religiousness

Meanings in marathi :

shivamaya ( शिवमया )
Synonyms of holiness
sanctity righteousness purity humility devoutness faith religiosity divinity piety virtuousness blessedness beatitude godliness consecration sacredness reverence unction worship grace devotion inviolability spirituality saintliness asceticism venerableness
Antonyms of holiness
atheism sin agnosticism wickedness
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
holeholidayhollow tubeholy ashesholy bath during the month of māgha january-februaryholy manholy marks etcholinessholocaustholy ashholy place with waterholy placeholy religious personhomeless personhoneybeehonorific form of addresshonorific suffix for masculine personal nameshollowhonorific title for a brāhmaṇahonourable citizenholyhonouringhooded cloak in the goṇḍa stylehooded cobrahoofhomehomelesshook filled with juicy baithook swinging see molesworth s vhooked instrument