huge aquatic animal meaning in marathi

Word: huge aquatic animal

Meanings in marathi :

yaadas ( यादस )
प्रचंड जलचर प्राणी
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Related English Marathi Meaning
hubbubhuge round-bottomed vessel in which sugarcane juice is boiledhuissierhugehuman beinghuman body containing the three nāḍīs or the three guṇashuman bodyhuman figure erected to scare childrenhuman lifehuman speechhumanhumble personhumblenesshumminghumpbackedhunchbackedhundred percenthumblehundred thousand flowers names etchundred thousandhundred timeshundred years oldhundredhungerhunters captivating songhunting as a form of recreationhungryhunterhuntinghurling with a sling