hypnosis meaning in marathi

Word: hypnosis
Meaning of hypnosis in english - stupor, hypnotism, anesthetic

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
bhururen ( भुरुरें )
Synonyms of hypnosis
coma trance slumber inertness lethargy sleep languor anesthesia swoon stupefaction torpor insensibility hebetude amazement inertia bewilderment numbness dullness apathy lassitude suspended animation narcosis sopor somnolence petrifaction asphyxia fainting swooning fascination suggestion mesmerism hypnotherapy autohypnosis deep sleep hypnonanalysis spell-casting opiate shot dope gas soporific analgesic anodyne inhalant spinal general anesthetic local anesthetic
Antonyms of hypnosis
consciousness sensibility wakefulness activity life liveliness interest stimulant
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
identification of oneself with ones bodyidentification with someonehypnosishypnotismi myselfideaidentifying marksidle interferenceidle meddling or interferenceidle talkie for a whole lifetimeiignorance brought on by illusionignorance metignorant personidentificationidentifiedidleignoringill omenieifignoranceignorantill-dressed bare and vulnerableillillbehavedilluminationillusion of happinessillusion