immensely meaning in marathi
Word: immensely
Meaning of immensely in english - awfully, extremely, greatly, highly, over, overly, too, unduly, overmuch
Meaning of immensely in english - awfully, extremely, greatly, highly, over, overly, too, unduly, overmuch
Synonyms of immensely
truly terribly excessively dreadfully quite badly indeed hugely very much utterly remarkably acutely uncommonly intensely totally severely exceptionally extraordinarily exceedingly unusually almighty markedly mortally notably plenty powerful radically rarely too much ultra violently parlous terrifically strikingly inordinately drastically exorbitantly immoderately prohibitively surpassingly to nth degree vitally incredibly largely tremendously mightily vastly abundantly eminently emphatically incomparably infinitely most powerfully enormously immeasurably inimitably by much conspicuously famously glaringly in great measure incalculably on a large scale superlatively supremely decidedly deeply profoundly so really bloody jolly right but good mucho so much more surplus additionally beyond remaining superfluous unused in excess left over over and above overfull too-too unreasonably unconscionably unjustifiably unjustly unfairly improperly disproportionately unnecessarily extravagantly illegally indecorously out of proportionAntonyms of immensely
incompletely little mildly moderately inconsiderably insignificantly unremarkably unfinished less essential necessary failed fewer inadequately insufficiently justly fairly honestly reasonably Marathi to English
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