imparting knowledge internally from a distance meaning in marathi

Word: imparting knowledge internally from a distance

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
paraagyaadhar ( पराज्ञाधर )
दुरूनही अंतःकरणद्वारे विद्या देणारा
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
impermanentimmutableimparting both the science relating to the absolute brahman or god and the science relating to deities and other lower beingsimpassionedimpatienceimpetuous actimplement for cracking nuts etcimpatientimperceptibleimplement for drawing out wire from a block of metalimplicationimplied meaningimportanceimposing shapeimpossibleimpotentimprint made on dustimpromptu poetical compositionimproper behaviourimproper timeimpure goldimprintimprisonmentimprobableimproprietyimpure substanceimpurityin a challenging mannerimpurein a day or two