imperceptible meaning in marathi

Word: imperceptible
Meaning of imperceptible in english - hard to sense, faint

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
alekh ( अलेख )
Synonyms of imperceptible
insignificant gradual indistinguishable microscopic invisible subtle inaudible ephemeral evanescent fine impalpable inconspicuous indiscernible indistinct infinitesimal insensible minute momentary shadowy slight small tiny trivial vague imponderable inappreciable inconsiderable unnoticeable
Antonyms of imperceptible
evident noticeable obvious perceptible seeable striking apparent conspicuous distinct
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
impetuous actimplement for cracking nuts etcimpatientimperceptibleimplement for drawing out wire from a block of metalimplicationimplied meaningimportanceimposing shapeimpossibleimpotentimprint made on dustimpromptu poetical compositionimproper behaviourimproper timeimpure goldimprintimprisonmentimprobableimproprietyimpure substanceimpurityin a challenging mannerimpurein a day or twoin a different directionin a drizzlein a flowin a leisurely mannerin a prickling manner