in yogic physiology one of three and a half centres or bases in the body meaning in marathi

Word: in yogic physiology one of three and a half centres or bases in the body

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
siryaat ( सीर्याट )
योगातील औट पीठांतील एक पीठ
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Related English Marathi Meaning
in yogic physiology the cakra called mūlādhārain yogic physiology the kuṇḍalinī seen as located between the iḍā and the piṅgaḷāinactivityinanimateinauspicious astrological periodinauspicious dayincapable of bringing about liberationincarnation of a part of godinincense burnerincense potinarticulateinattentiveinattentivelyincessant rainfallinclination to do good deedsinclination towards moral downfallinclined towards vile actionsincluding the tuft of hair on the headinaugurationinauspiciousinbornincantationinclusionincome by way of taxationincomparably strong warriorinconvenient placeincarnateincarnation of god who sees everything from caitanya to the world of matterincarnation