inattentively meaning in marathi

Word: inattentively
Meaning of inattentively in english - carelessly, unconsciously

Meanings in marathi :

As adverb :
dushchitapanen ( दुश्चितपणें )
अभावित- पणे
Synonyms of inattentively
haphazardly negligently nonchalantly hastily offhandedly rashly sloppily irresponsibly incautiously neglectfully thoughtlessly unconcernedly unmindfully without care without concern unwittingly unintentionally habitually unknowingly abstractedly automatically disregardfully heedlessly
Antonyms of inattentively
deliberately intentionally knowingly consciously
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
inincense burnerincense potinarticulateinattentiveinattentivelyincessant rainfallinclination to do good deedsinclination towards moral downfallinclined towards vile actionsincluding the tuft of hair on the headinaugurationinauspiciousinbornincantationinclusionincome by way of taxationincomparably strong warriorinconvenient placeincarnateincarnation of god who sees everything from caitanya to the world of matterincarnationincenseindaid gemindebtednessindecorousincidentincidentalincisioninciting