inciting meaning in marathi

Word: inciting
Meaning of inciting in english - encourage, provoke

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
khombakar ( खोंबकर )
Synonyms of inciting
urge abet rouse arouse inspire whip up motivate exhort agitate inflame trigger prompt spur instigate foment activate force actuate persuade further animate craze raise goad solicit taunt forward set prick influence excite induce inspirit promote coax drive impel push stimulate egg on juice work up set off fan the fire get to key up psych put up to stir up
Antonyms of inciting
dissuade deter calm lull quiet soothe tranquilize block prevent impede hinder repress suppress cease delay deaden prohibit discourage depress dampen halt stop check
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
incarnateincarnation of god who sees everything from caitanya to the world of matterincarnationincenseindaid gemindebtednessindecorousincidentincidentalincisionincitinginclinationincoherentindentation in a mountainindiaindicatingincomeincomparableincomparably strongincompetentindication of someones approachincomprehensibleincorrectindebtedindifferenceindigo dyeindigo makerindigo stoneindispensability for existenceindeed