income meaning in marathi

Word: income
Meaning of income in english - money earned by work or investments

Meanings in marathi :

aay ( आय )
aakaar ( आकार )
vistaar ( विस्तार )
Synonyms of income
salary wage revenue profit pay cash livelihood compensation royalty earnings interest proceeds gross gravy assets means honorarium commission net payoff harvest receipts bottom line cash flow in the black benefits dividends avails returns drawings gains
Antonyms of income
debt loss expenses
Identical words :
income by way of taxation - asiaauu ( असिआउ )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
incisionincitinginclinationincoherentindentation in a mountainindiaindicatingincomeincomparableincomparably strongincompetentindication of someones approachincomprehensibleincorrectindebtedindifferenceindigo dyeindigo makerindigo stoneindispensability for existenceindeedindefiniteindependenceindependentindra the god of rainindras horseindras thunderbolt weaponinexpressibilityindependentlyindescribable