inhabited meaning in marathi

Word: inhabited
Meaning of inhabited in english - occupied

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
vasten ( वस्तें )
नांदते माणसांनी गजबजलेलें
Synonyms of inhabited
populous developed settled owned rented possessed populated peopled colonized tenanted pioneered
Identical words :
inhabited region - janapad ( जनपद )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
inhalationinhaled and exhaled breathsinitiateinitiated brāhmaṇainitiatedinitiation into knowledgeinitiation into the nātha sectinjuredinlaid geminlaid jewelryinlaid with gemsinitiativeinjuriousinjuryinlaid with goldinner courtyard in a houseinletinner layer or foldinner leaf of a plantinner thoughtsinnerinnocenceinquiriesinquiring about someones well-beinginnocentinnumerableinquiry into the first or ritual portion of the vedasinscriberinsect found in graininset with gems