interest on a loan meaning in marathi

Word: interest on a loan

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
kalaantar ( कळांतर )
ऋणावरील व्याज
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Related English Marathi Meaning
interrogative sentenceintensityintentionallyintentlyintermediaryinterwoven with gold or silver threadsinterwoven with silver threadsintestinesinternalinterruptionintersectionintoxicant prepared from hemp leavesintoxicated or arrogant personintoxicating drink prepared from the sap of a toddy palmintoxication with warinvaderinterwovenintimateinvaluableinvesting a king by sprinkling waterintolerableintolerantintoxicantintoxicatedinvincible bodyinvincible herointoxicatingintoxicationintroductionintroversion