jargon meaning in marathi

Word: jargon
Meaning of jargon in english - specialized language, dialect

Meanings in marathi :

pratibhaasha ( प्रतिभाषा )
paribhaasha ( परिभाषा )
Synonyms of jargon
patois vocabulary argot idiom vernacular lingo parlance slang lexicon abracadabra nonsense cant colloquialism twaddle bunk speech usage palaver bombast patter banality drivel balderdash fustian gibberish neologism rigmarole tongue insipidity cliché mumbo jumbo doublespeak buzzwords newspeak slanguage commonplace term hackneyed term overused term shoptalk stale language street talk
Antonyms of jargon
quiet silence standard
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
jackaljacketjasmine flowersjealousy of a co-wifejet of waterjewel that oozes in sunlightjewel that oozes water when struck by moonbeamsjargonjaundicejawjewelers weight of two tolās approximately twenty gramsjewellerjewellers shopjewelry and garmentsjealousjealousyjesterjewelerjewelry made with inset gemsjingling ankletjoined to each otherjewelryjinglingjoinedjoint but pānse strengthjoint in the bodyjobjoint of three bonesjoint of two branches of a treejostling and hitting