joined meaning in marathi

Word: joined
Meaning of joined in english - linked

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
yugut ( युगुत )
yukt ( युक्त )
Synonyms of joined
involved married united unified related combined touching connected wedded affiliated accompanying paired allied mixed akin cognate inseparable put together merged associated bracketed coupled attached welded cemented interlaced amalgamated fused conjoined conjugated blended affixed hitched entwined intermixed intertwined mingled banded federated confederated interallied interclasped interdependent interfused
Antonyms of joined
disconnected unrelated disparate separated uncombined
Identical words :
joined to each other - lavalat ( लवलट )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
joint in the bodyjobjoint of three bonesjoint of two branches of a treejostling and hittingjourney to another landjourneyjp 506judgejointjoyfuljuicy foodjujube treejumping forwardjokejoyousjuicyjumping highjoyjumping into the airjumpingjust asjvārī plantjñā 1011jumpjñā 1201jñā 131146jñā 15juniorjust now