killing lit so-and-so euphemistic meaning in marathi

Word: killing lit so-and-so euphemistic

Meanings in marathi :

taisauni taisen vartane ( तैसौनि तैसें वर्तणे )
हत्या होणे, करणे (अनिष्टत्वसूचक वाक्प्रचार)
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
killingkind of fishkind of flowerkind of fruitkind of herpeskind of incensekind of lemon treekind of oozing plantkind of pleasure available to everyone in a villagekind of weapon used for piercingkind or sortkindlingking among knowledgeable peopleking among scholars a titleking of godskingdomkings and feudatory princesskings guardkindkindnesskings and feudatory princeskings horsekings orderkings sealkings sonkinnarakinshipkingkitchen stovekith and kin