knowledge meaning in marathi

Word: knowledge

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
gyaan ( ज्ञान )
sãvitti ( संवित्ति )
Identical words :
As adjective :
knowledgeable - vidgad ( विद्गद )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
knowledgeable person who desires to follow a divine incarnationknowledgeable womanknown by hearsaykoknowledge of that essenceknowledgekoḷī womanknowledgeable personknowledgeablekubera the treasurer of the godskuṅkum applied to the forehead of a married woman whose husband is alivekuṇḍalinī which resembles a serpentkālakramakālayavana a demon killed by kṛṣṇaknownkuṇḍalinīkālvār si 1 18kāmarūpa the name of a region now called assamkārtikeyakṛṣṇa as a cowherdkṛṣṇa who stands with his body bent at the knees and the waistkṛṣṇa who wields the bow called śārṅgakṛṣṇas birthdaykṛṣṇas bowkṛṣṇakṛṣṇas wife rukmiṇīlabour marketlabourlabourerlabourious