leaves flowers etc to be used in worship meaning in marathi

Word: leaves flowers etc to be used in worship

Meanings in marathi :

paalavipaalavi ( पालवि-पालवी )
पानेफुले इ. पूजासाहित्य
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
leaves from a castor-oil plantleaves of a bilva treeleaves of five different kinds of treesleaves of the bilva treeleaves of the nirguḍī plantleaving ones guruleaving ones husband viewed as a form of theftleavingleavings considered as prasādaledger bookledgerleft overleft-overleftleg of a bedleg of a cotleglegal expertleisurelemon treelengthwise and breadthwiselengthy and careless discourselentleopardleperless or morelessmorelesson in dharmalessonlet there be