liberation like that attained by the farmer dhāndula meaning in marathi

Word: liberation like that attained by the farmer dhāndula

Meanings in marathi :

dhaandulamoksh ( धांदुलमोक्ष )
धांदुल नावाच्या कुणब्याला मिळाला तसा मोक्ष, म्ह. मृत्यू
Marathi to English
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Related English Marathi Meaning
life and soulliaisonliarliberatedliberationliberatorlife as a bullocklife as foamlife forceslife spanlielife-threatening dangerlifting a siegelight in weightlight rainlight redlife forcelifelight repastlight touchlight-headednesslight-skinnedlighting a lamplighting of lampslifelesslifelonglifetimelight meallightning at the end of the worldlightning out of season