loft meaning in marathi

Word: loft
Meaning of loft in english - room on upper floor

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
maalavadh ( माळवध )
घराचा माळा
Synonyms of loft
apartment studio attic storage garret
Identical words :
As adjective :
lofty - dalavaad ( दळवाड )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
loathinglocklong after sunsetlong line of cloudslong stay at one placeloftloftyloglong thin branch of a treelong trunk shaped like a sticklong-livedlongwinded storyloinclothlonelinesslonelylonginglooking in each others eyesloose articulationloose in textureloose womanlongloose-tonguedloosely runlookloosening of reinsloquacitylord kṛṣṇas dance with the cowherd womenlord rāmalooseloss of appetite