lot meaning in marathi
Word: lot
Meaning of lot in english - piece of property, quantity, often large, portion, share, fate, destiny
Meaning of lot in english - piece of property, quantity, often large, portion, share, fate, destiny
Synonyms of lot
area field part plot frontage parcel division clearing patch allotment tract percentage acreage block apportionment real estate plat plottage load abundance set group crowd number collection much plenty bunch cluster pile conglomeration circle order body plenitude mess aggregation bundle conglomerate consignment heap aggregate assortment stack oodles clutch batch ocean requisition mass amplitude multiplicity push barrel clump pack scores reams stacks great deal slice bite quota cut take allowance chance decree accident fortune circumstance hazard break kismet karma doom plight predestination Moirai breaks foreordination wheel of fortune hand one is dealt run of luckAntonyms of lot
whole little totality lack individual one Identical words :
lotus creeper - kamalani ( कमळनी )
lotus that blooms at moonrise - kumodakamal ( कुमोदकमळ )
lot or group of ten - dasaki ( दसकी )
lot of - raasaek ( रासएक )
lotus with a hundred petals - satapatr ( सतपत्र )
lotus that blooms at moonrise - kumodakamal ( कुमोदकमळ )
lot or group of ten - dasaki ( दसकी )
lot of - raasaek ( रासएक )
lotus with a hundred petals - satapatr ( सतपत्र )
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