man who makes announcements meaning in marathi

Word: man who makes announcements

Meanings in marathi :

bombiya ( बोंबीया )
बोंबलून पुकारा करणारा
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
man who performs a sacrificeman who retreats to the forest to practice meditationman who seeks relief from sexual tensionman who wears only a loinclothman with a familyman with long hairman without a familymanagermangler rmango grovemango juicemango tree with pendulous fruitmanifest form as a veilmanifest formmanmanifestation in human formmanifestation of a deity other than the supreme godmans householdmans wife and children used derogativelymango treemangomanhoodmanifestation of a deitymans wifes brothermans wifes elder sistermans wifes sistermansion made of mortarmantra as an object of meditationmanifestmantra containing the name of kṛṣṇa gopāla