mantra as an object of meditation meaning in marathi

Word: mantra as an object of meditation

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
jaapy ( जाप्य )
जपाचा विषय
Marathi to English
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Related English Marathi Meaning
mantra to extinguish firemanifestationmanifoldmannermantra used to summon the gods to a sacrificemanu and śivamanure for the roots of a treemanuscript of a religious textmanuscripts and other belongings of a monasterymany kinds ofmanymaraudingmark daubed or smeared on the foreheadmark drawn on the foreheadmark made with kuṅkuma powdermark on the foreheadmark on viṣṇus chestmarkmarked daubed or smeared on the foreheadmarked with three linesmarkedmarket named after lord kṛṣṇamarket placemarket ratemarketmarketing agent or officermarking nutmarriage altarmarriage by forcemarriage ceremony