mash of boiled millet meaning in marathi

Word: mash of boiled millet

Meanings in marathi :

ghaata ( घाटा )
पर्वताचा कडा
जोंधळ्याचा शिजवलेला भरडा
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
mashmashed grassmass of lightmass or crowd of peoplemassage and a hot-water bathmaskmassagemassagingmasseurmaster of the art of vedha attractionmaterial for cooking foodmaterial for preparing foodmassmaterials for cookingmaternal unclematernity roommatsyendranātha the second teacher in the nātha lineagematted hairmassivemastermasterymattress filled with watermature reflectionmaterialmbtk p 173 col 1mbtk p 76meagremeal consisting entirely of white foodsmatsyendranāthamattress