matsyendranātha the second teacher in the nātha lineage meaning in marathi

Word: matsyendranātha the second teacher in the nātha lineage

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
machhendr ( मछेंद्र )
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Related English Marathi Meaning
mattress filled with watermature reflectionmaterialmbtk p 173 col 1mbtk p 76meagremeal consisting entirely of white foodsmatsyendranāthamattressmaturematuritymeal eaten together by cowherd boys in the pasturemaybememeal of rice and curds eaten together by cowherd boysmeaningless actmealmeaningmeaningless chattermeaningless cluttermeaningless namemeans for luring a beautiful womanmeanmeans of crossing the ocean of worldly existencemeans of exorcising ghost possessionmeans or agent of releasemeans to an endmeaningfulmeaningfulnessmeans to knowledge