mature reflection meaning in marathi

Word: mature reflection

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
paryaaloch ( पर्यालोच )
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Related English Marathi Meaning
meagremeal consisting entirely of white foodsmatsyendranāthamattressmaturematuritymeal eaten together by cowherd boys in the pasturemaybememeal of rice and curds eaten together by cowherd boysmeaningless actmealmeaningmeaningless chattermeaningless cluttermeaningless namemeans for luring a beautiful womanmeanmeans of crossing the ocean of worldly existencemeans of exorcising ghost possessionmeans or agent of releasemeans to an endmeaningfulmeaningfulnessmeans to knowledgemeasure of distancemeasure of five seersmeaninglessmeansmeasure of grain equal to 4 pāïlīs