mental control meaning in marathi

Word: mental control

Meanings in marathi :

niem ( निएम )
niyam ( नियम )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
mental reactionmental repetition of so ham or a divine name entwined with breathing and done without effortmerchandisemerchantmercifulmercifullymercifulnessmercilessmercilessnessmergedmerging with absorption into an object of meditationmerit acquired as the result of previous good deedsmercurymercymergingmeritmeritorious actmeritoriousmessenger of deathmessenger sent to convey an invitationmessenger who brings a message in a net bagmessengermet a dull-witted personmet an audacious immodest womanmet greatnessmet mental agitationmet not enjoying pleasure even mentallymet renouncing giving upmet ruinmet to roast