metal container meaning in marathi

Word: metal container

Meanings in marathi :

sisa ( सीसा )
kupi ( कुपी )
budhala ( बुधला )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
metal plate for holding substances and articles used in pūjāmetal worker or dealermetaphormetaphorical languagemethod of breath controlmethod of preparing medicinemethod of reciting the vedasmetre comprising 24 syllables in 3 feetmidday or midnightmiddlemidwifemigrainemethodmidmiddaymightmightymilch animal that does not give milkmild early-morning sunshinemilitary arraymilitary attackmilitary campaignmilk and milk productsmilk and ricemilk and watermilk other than mothers milkmilk potmildmilk-white gourdmilking pot