mighty meaning in marathi

Word: mighty
Meaning of mighty in english - forceful, powerful, gigantic, monumental

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
benthu ( बेंथु )
Synonyms of mighty
robust potent boss doughty hardy indomitable lusty muscular omnipotent stalwart steamroller stout strapping strong sturdy vigorous puissant powerhouse strengthy strong as ox wieldy huge enormous imposing magnificent large massive towering august bulky colossal considerable dynamic eminent extensive extraordinary grand great heroic high illustrious immense impressive intense irresistible majestic moving notable prodigious renowned stupendous titanic tremendous
Antonyms of mighty
powerless insignificant tiny unimportant weak delicate small miniature little minute
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
mightymilch animal that does not give milkmild early-morning sunshinemilitary arraymilitary attackmilitary campaignmilk and milk productsmilk and ricemilk and watermilk other than mothers milkmilk potmildmilk-white gourdmilking potmilkmaidmill for extracting oil or sugarcane juicemine in bāglāṇī dialectminer but ṭīpa māntravādīmilkmilkingmineral substance similar to honeyminister of war and peaceministers robemillionmillstonemimicryminiumminor goddessmiraculous powermire of pus