millstone meaning in marathi

Word: millstone
Meaning of millstone in english - burden

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
jaaten ( जातें )
धान्य दळण्याचे जाते
Synonyms of millstone
albatross load grievance encumbrance strain affliction worry concern misfortune onus cross accountability charge hardship blame difficulty anxiety trouble stress task trial responsibility hindrance punishment ball and chain deadweight mental weight
Antonyms of millstone
praise health aid calmness exculpation advantage assistance tranquility contentment happiness encouragement benefit blessing help exoneration ease
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
mineral substance similar to honeyminister of war and peaceministers robemillionmillstonemimicryminiumminor goddessmiraculous powermire of pusmisbehaviourmineminstrelmintmiserable conditionmiserable stateministermiraclemissile made powerful with mantrasmissile that hypnotizes its targetmitigation of a cursemixed feed for cattlemiraculousmiragemiremixed togethermixing different kinds of food togethermixingmirrormisapprehension